Review: Addicted to You by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Addicted to You by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Addicted to You by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Series: Addicted #1 (full reading order below)
Publication Date: July 1st 2013
Links: Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads

She’s addicted to sex. He’s addicted to booze…the only way out is rock bottom.

No one would suspect shy Lily Calloway’s biggest secret. While everyone is dancing at college bars, Lily stays in the bathroom. To get laid. Her compulsion leads her to one-night stands, steamy hookups and events she shamefully regrets. The only person who knows her secret happens to have one of his own.

Loren Hale’s best friend is his bottle of bourbon. Lily comes at a close second. For three years, they’ve pretended to be in a real relationship, hiding their addictions from their families. They’ve mastered the art of concealing flasks and random guys that filter in and out of their apartment.

But as they sink beneath the weight of their addictions, they cling harder to their destructive relationship and wonder if a life together, for real, is better than a lie. Strangers and family begin to infiltrate their guarded lives, and with new challenges, they realize they may not just be addicted to alcohol and sex.

Their real vice may be each other.

New Adult Romance recommended for readers 18+ for mature content

Oh. My. God! What did I just read? This book was absolute insanity and I LOVED it! Wowowow. My emotions were – actually they still are – all over the place. I’ve just finished Addicted to You, and I can’t get it out of my head. I had to write my review before starting Ricochet (book 1.5), even though I really really want to read that right now. AH!

I was sooo hooked into the book by the blurb. A girl who is addicted to sex is best friends with a boy who’s addicted to booze? And they might just be falling in love with each other? Yeah, I HAD to read it. And can I just say that I adore Loren’s name? I have a thing for names, and Loren’s is pretty perfect.

Lily and Loren’s addictions are bad. Like, really, really bad. They can’t go a day without sex or booze, and they have to have it multiple times a day at that. Lily does random hookups with guys anywhere and everywhere, but at least she always uses protection. Loren’s is a lot more dangerous, because the amount he drinks is lethal. I honestly don’t know how Loren is still alive from what I’ve read, because he drink so freaking much. Is that attractive? Hell no. But somehow, along the way, I totally fell for the Loren that only Lily knows, and only Lily sees.

“Once you stepped through that threshold,” Lo says, “you entered my place.” His hot, bourbon-scented breath hits my neck. “Everything in here belongs to me.”

For the past three years, Lily and Loren have pretended to be in a relationship to hide their addictions and to get their families off their backs. They come from über-rich parents, like billionaire business moguls, and they’ve known each other since they were kids. Loren and Lily always have each others backs, but it’s not like they have much of a choice either. If Lily wanted Loren to stop drinking, she couldn’t say anything because she wouldn’t be able to give up sex, and vice versa.

Lately, things have been spiraling further and further downwards. They’re failing classes in college, their families are hounding them more, and their addictions are becoming stronger and stronger. Lily and Loren love each other, but they’re not helping each other get better. The scary part to their relationship is that they enable each other’s addictions.

Lily and Loren slept together once when they were very young, and Lily vowed never to do it again with Lo because she couldn’t risk their friendship. But… it turns out that Loren wants to be the – only – man Lily turns to to feed her addiction.

“Have you ever though about it?”
I watch his feet near, my pulse racing.
“Have you ever thought about me inside you?”
I almost stumble back, but he hooks an arm around my waist.
“Have you ever thought about us together?”
I can hardly breathe. “Together?”
“Where I don’t share you with any other man.”
All the time. “Yes.” I keep expecting to wake up.
“If I could be enough to fill you, would you let me?”
I look at him. “Yes.”
“Then let me try,” he says, his hand cupping my face. “Let me try to be enough for you.”

This is where things start heating up! Like, wowza! I was fanning myself so much when Lily and Loren get together for real. But I especially love that they keep their friendship intact. They’re pretty hilarious together, and even more so when they find friends, or rather, friends find them.

Connor Cobalt is a smart snob, and Lily’s tutor for econ. I love this man! Connor adds so much humor to the story, which I love. And then Ryke comes in, and then Rose, Lily’s sister, starts worming her way into their lives, and their group of two has now become a group of five. Connor, Ryke, and Rose are especially important in finding help for Lily and Loren with their addictions. They bring to light that their addictions are serious and borderline dangerous, but they also give Lily and Lo the love and support they’ve never had from other people.

“You think too lowly of yourself,” Rose says, standing. “If you don’t love yourself, Lily, how can anyone love you back?” She wraps an arm around my shoulder. “And you don’t need a guy to fulfill you. I wish you would remember that.”
And I wish that were true.

But even though Connor, Ryke, and Rose try to help, ultimately, it’s up to Lily and Loren themselves to fix their addictions.

“I love you, but I want to love you enough that I never choose alcohol over you. Not even for a moment. I want to be someone you deserve. Who helps you rather than enables you, and I can’t begin to do that until I get help for myself.”

loved Addicted to You. My heart ached so much for Lily and Loren when it seemed like it would never get better for these two. This book isn’t just about two friends who fall for each other, it’s also about two people with severe addictions who have to realize that they have problems and that they need help. Addicted to You doesn’t really end on a cliffhanger, but it’s not a conclusive ending either. It was so tiring to read this book, but in the best way possible. Does that make sense? It was all the feels. So go read this book! It’s so freaking gooood.

5 hearts

Reading Order: Addicted series

Addicted to You by Krista & Becca Ritchie Ricochet by Krista & Becca Ritchie Addicted for Now by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Kiss the Sky by Krista & Becca Ritchie Hothouse Flower by Krista & Becca Ritchie Thrive by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Addicted After All by Krista & Becca Ritchie Fuel the Fire by Krista & Becca Ritchie Long Way Down by Krista & Becca Ritchie Some Kind of Perfect by Krista & Becca Ritchie

#1 ~ Addicted to You: Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads
#1.5 ~ Ricochet: My Review • Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads
#2 ~ Addicted for Now: My Review • Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads
#2.1 (Calloway Sisters #1) ~ Kiss the Sky: My Review • Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads
#2.2 (Calloway Sisters #2) ~ Hothouse Flower: Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads
#2.5 ~ Thrive: My Review • Ebook • Paperback • Audible • Goodreads
#3 ~ Addicted After All: EbookPaperback • Audible • Goodreads
#3.1 (Calloway Sisters #3) ~ Fuel the Fire: My Review •˜ EbookPaperback • Audible • Goodreads
#3.2 (Calloway Sisters #4) ~ Long Way Down: EbookPaperbackAudible • Goodreads
#3.5 (Calloway Sisters #4.5) ~ Some Kind of Perfect: My Review • EbookPaperbackAudible • Goodreads


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